2020 Was The Year I Copied MyselfAs we put this tire fire of a last year in the rear-view, I want to be thankful for something big I got out of it. I didn’t go the steady…Jan 2, 2021Jan 2, 2021
Italy 2016 Vol II — The Shadow of VesuviusThey’ve stuck the old city trains in a backlot you don’t get to see unless you catch it in the last two degrees of vision on your way out…Sep 13, 2016Sep 13, 2016
Italy Vol I — Crappy Pasta and the Human CalculationI’m one bite in and I realize two things at the same time: over here, they make carbonara with egg — which isn’t bad, and, they’ve…Sep 9, 2016Sep 9, 2016
Not Again.…And all I do is keep refreshing the news sites, hoping something is better.Jun 15, 2016Jun 15, 2016
There’s No Such Thing as ManageneeringNote: Originally posted in the early days of Habitat, I realize I neglected my own advice in the headier times of 2014 with a big full-time…Sep 16, 2015Sep 16, 2015
Why I’ll Never Work on First-Person Shooters AgainNote: This was originally posted on my blog in 2012. After appearing on Gamasutra and making headlines elsewhere, two years of reflection…Sep 16, 20151Sep 16, 20151
The Indie CEO: On Ripped Jeans and Being ThankfulNote: This piece originally appeared in December 2014 — as Habitat nears completion it feels appropriate to revisit. -CSep 16, 2015Sep 16, 2015
Seeking Home in a Changing Industry (IGDA LS 2015)A colleague of mine stands on what he considers the far shore of game development. A career of developing tangential services, platforms…Sep 15, 2015Sep 15, 2015